
# Section Information for Prospective Board Members
## Column 1: Rich Text

Thank you for considering putting your name forward for a position on the AWC-WPAC Board of Directors. Here are some things you should know:


Our Board of Directors

The AWC-WPAC is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of up to 21 members. In addition to one appointed seat for Alberta Environment and Parks and the Past-Chair, there are specified seats for aboriginals (3 seats), industry (5 seats), non-governmental organizations (5 seats), government (4 seats), and members at large (2 seats). The membership elects the Board Chair at the Annual General Meeting, and the Board of Directors elects the remainder of the Executive Committee (including the Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer).

Time commitment 

The Board of Directors meet at least four (4) times a year. Most meetings are held in a central location (often in Athabasca) but may potentially be held anywhere in the watershed. In addition to regular board meetings, there is an annual general meeting (AGM) held each year (usually held in late spring/early summer).

If you become a board member, it is expected that you will attend all of these meetings. If you cannot attend, it is hoped that you send your alternate. If that cannot be arranged, please notify the chair of your absence.

Board members serve a two-year term, with the possibility of being re-elected for additional terms.


The AWC-WPAC has several standing committees, and we hope that all board members become an active member of at least one committee. The standing committees include: the Technical Committee, the Communications and Community Engagement Committee, the Finance and Fundraising Committee, the Human Resources Committee, and the Executive Committee. Standing committees can expect to hold face-to-face meetings twice a year but meetings are held by teleconference as required. AD HOC committees may also be formed as work arises.

Performance expectations for board members

When you become a board member, you will receive access to our foundational documents. We ask that you become acquainted with the AWC-WPAC bylaws, Terms of Reference, policies, etc. You will be provided with access to a Board Member section on our website, which will enable you to access all documents as they are generated.

We would ask that you show active participation in board and committee meetings by attending all meetings, being punctual, preparing for the meeting, asking questions and participating in discussions, providing feedback on various documents and initiatives, supporting and participating in events, and showing initiative.

Being a board member is hard work, but we also find time to make new friends, to get out into the environment, and to celebrate our successes.



Thank you for your interest in the Athabasca Watershed Council!