# Section Pembina Watershed Restoration Program
## Column 1: Rich Text
The AWC is honoured to work with local landowners and program partners to help improve the health of our riparian areas across the Pembina Sub Watershed of the Athabasca Watershed.
Please see the Mid-Pembina Watershed Riparian Area Assessment Section here.
What are riparian areas?
Riparian areas are the lands adjacent to a river or other water body where the plants and soils are strongly influenced by water. Riparian areas are hotspots for tourism and recreation. They are vital for agriculture as they help maintain a higher water table for crops, and provide forage, shelter, and water for livestock. They also help filter and store water, prevent erosion and provide habitat for fish and wildlife.
Watershed Restoration Program
Goal: To initiate and assist with multiple restoration programs, working with on-the-ground partners, focusing on areas of high priority where restoration and conservation would be of most benefit to mitigating floods and drought. To create complementary outcomes through restoration, including improving fish/wildlife habitat, water quality and community outreach opportunities.
Where we work:
- Athabasca County
- Brazeau County
- County of Barrhead No. 11
- Lac Ste. Anne County
- M.D. of Lesser Slave River No. 124
- Parkland County
- Westlock County
- Woodlands County
- Yellowhead County
Interested landowners are invited to contact: Sarah MacDonald, (780) 213-4550, science@athabascawatershed.ca