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Aquatic Ecosystems

Find resources, reports, and organizations related to aquatic ecosystems. 

Fish and Other Biodiversity

Athabasca Rainbow Trout Fish Sustainability Index:

The Fish Sustainability Index (FSI) is an assessment of the health of the Athabasca Rainbow Trout in Alberta.

Ephemeroptera Galactica or everything you ever wanted to know about mayflies.



Native Trout Recovery Program:

A program aimed at conserving trout on Alberta’s Eastern Slopes. Some of the trout species supported by the program include Athabasca rainbow trout, bull trout, and Westslope cutthroat trout.

University of Alberta Fisheries and Aquatic Conservation Lab:

A fisheries and aquatic conservation lab that aims to conserve freshwater fishes, develop effective restoration and reclamation programs, and create sustainable resource development and land use practices in North America. 

Watercourse Crossing Program:

A program designed to reconnect habitat fragmented by watercourse crossings such as roadways, trails, and culverts. Some of the fishes dependent on having connected waters include arctic grayling, Athabasca rainbow trout, bull trout, and Westslope cutthroat trout.